Darts Triple Training | Top 5 Tips to Increase Your Score

When we first saw a big darting on television, we thought it might not be that hard. Honestly, this is the most common thought of people watching a live broadcast for the first time.

That it is not quite as easy as it looks with the pros, the novice then notices at the latest in their own attempt to carry three arrows in the Triple 20.

However, for professionals, this also means a long darts triple training. Triple is funny, but double makes the money – a common saying among professionals.

Darts Triple Training

Nevertheless, if you do not throw well enough on the triple fields, you will not even get a chance to throw the doubles. Darts Triple Training, which is efficient and boosts your performance, is essential for competing.

You can try these Darts to hit the triple

Image Product Price
1967 *** IgnatGames Steel Tip Darts Set Check Price
1967 Viper “The Freak” Steel Tip Darts Check Price

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Darts Triple Training – the best ways to increase the average

For a dart player, there is no better feeling than throwing a 180. Even a decisive hit in the double field cannot reflect this feeling. At least most of the players we talked to so far are the same.

In this blog post, we would like to give you a small overview of efficient darts triple training in darts.

It is important not to blindly throw on the fields, but to acquire a certain routine in the training process.

Read Also: Darts training plan.

In addition to some well-known training games from other blog posts, we will also be offering new ways to help you improve the dart score.

One very important point in finding out how to best increase the score is your so-called favorite triple.

While the pros all aim at the Triple 20, there are many players in the amateur field, for example, the Triple 19 or the Triple 18 have chosen as the favorite field.

And this is the first step to adapting your darts triple training to your own needs.

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100 arrows on a field – find out in Dart Training which triple is your favorite

Let’s start with a classic. In this game, you throw 100 arrows at the Triple 20.

One hit in the single field counts one point, in the double field two points and one hit in the Triple 20 scores three points.

You record the sum of the points scored after each shot and add all the counters together at the end.

Read Also: How to throw darts with precision?

Now you play this game for the Triple 17, the Triple 18, the Triple 19 and the Triple 20.

To get a meaningful result, it makes sense to continue this game for several days to see at the end of which triple field your constant scored the most points.

This first step should not be underestimated, as many amateur players constantly train the Triple 20 without giving another field a chance.

Only players who can try out here may find out for themselves whether another triple in the long term may earn significantly more points. This can then make the difference in a competition.

Read Also: Best electronic dart board for home.

Improve Dart Score – also possible with the training rings of Simon Whitlock

Now that you have found out your favorite triple, it makes sense to train this efficiently. This can be done not only with the “100 darts on a triple” game but also with training rings.

In a set “Winmau Training Rings” by Simon Whitlock you get several sizes of plastic rings. You can fix these with the help of a small pin on the board.

We ourselves tried this product and found that the rings help to fixate on an exact point.

In competition, of course, you do not have this option, so it’s important to find out with these rings how to optimize your rooting rhythm so that the arrows always fly into the small training rings.

Read Also: Dart rules and regulation.

Darts Triple Training can only be done if you focus fully on the subject.

It does not bother you if you find a favorite triple, attach the rings and just throw them on.

Concentration is the basics of darts in order to be successful in the long term. You have to try to get into a tunnel and you should not let go of bad training days.

Only then can you constantly improve your scoring for the competition.

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Do not just train the favorite triple – extend the triple training to all relevant fields

A point that is particularly close to our hearts is that this should not give the impression that it would bring much to practice a single favorite triple.

In a dart game, sooner or later you will be confronted with almost all relevant fields on the board.

This means that only the player with the best feeling for the entire disc can win.

It does not bother you if you scored high at the beginning but do not end up with single or triple fields outside your comfort zone.

That’s why it’s important to focus on a whole range of fields in darts triple training. We recommend that you at least train the fields from the T10 to the T20.

Read Also: Best outdoor dartboard review.

If you calculate it down you need the T10 already at 70 points rest, in order to leave you in the best case 40 counter.

Although only advanced players usually play this route, in order to lift you to exactly this level, you should not be afraid of such supposedly difficult paths.

Therefore, you should, for example, practice the triple fields in order from the T10 up to the T20 and make a note of the number of arrows.

This will give you a quick sense of which fields you still need to work out on and on which area of ​​the dartboard you already have a good feeling.

This can be the decisive advantage for you in the hot phase in a league game.

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Practice creates masters

But in the end, something else is important, dart training, especially in triple fields, can also bring frustrating phases.

Not every day you will meet the fields as usual. Do not let this knock you off track and stay tuned.

Because practice is known to be the master. There is nothing better than having the feeling every now and then that the training and the effort are really worthwhile.