How To Throw Darts With Precision?

Many people enjoy darts, but many of them wonder how to throw a dart technically. Anyway, while drinking a glass of beer, you can enjoy the game.

But for those who want to enjoy darts as a real hobby or who want to throw a perfect dart in one throw.

We are going to discuss how a dart works, the dart-throwing mechanism, what to do, and what not to do when throwing darts. And the most important thing how to throw a dart-like a pro. Also, you will learn how pro darters throw a dart and some examples from legend.

How To Throw Darts

How to Throw Dart Like A Pro?

When you want to throw a dart-like pro, you have to understand how dart works. First, let’s see how the dart flies. Darts travel along a parabola like a thrown stone flying or a bullet flying.

Like the picture below.

parabolic flying curve

This parabola can be higher or lower, depending on how strong you throw it.

The correct throw technique guides you when the dart accelerates and maintains this parabola after the dart leaves the hand.

Read Also: What are the best soft tip dart board?

Dart Throwing Mechanism

How should the dart move to reach the correct position? It is necessary to take a look at the kinematic dynamics of the darts throwing arm.

It can be described as three levers moving around two joints or hinges. It’s like the picture below.

dart throwing mechanism

The two joints shown in the figure above are the elbow and wrist, and the fixed joint is the shoulder. The three levers are the upper arm, forearm, and hand.

Unfortunately, if you studied mechanical mechanics when you were in school … (Where do you learn this?)

You will remember how cool this array is. It’s theoretically possible to draw all curves as long as the levers can work properly.

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Even a human arm can easily make a parabolic motion with a little movement. The figure above already shows the ‘aiming’ behavior when throwing darts.

If you look at the gif below, you’ll see how the lever and joint move along the exact curve to throw the dart.

how to throw a dart

What to Do and What Not to Do When Throwing Darts

Now that you know the basic kinematics let’s look at what to watch out for when throwing darts.

Before you do that, you should be familiar with the movement of the lever up there!

What you will see next is how the entire array continues. And how the pieces work together to throw a dart-like this.

Crowbar and Joints
A. Shoulder

The shoulder is the only part of the position that does not move throughout the process. So, don’t move your shoulders! That your shoulders are fixed.

Your body will not move during the darts, throwing motion!

You only throw darts with your arms.

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B. Elbow

The elbows remain in position while the dart is moving backward.

And as the acceleration process begins, it goes up. This is very interesting. If someone throws darts at you, your elbows should be fixed.

That’s really wrong. If you’re not sure, look at the above gif again. If your elbows are fixed, you’ll drop the dart earlier.

This is the difference between a pistol and a rifle. It’s the same as the rifle’s long barrel (muzzle) increases accuracy.

Don’t worry about finding the perfect point. The dart will fly in the right place.

C. Wrist

Wrist movements are sometimes controversial.

In the gif above, there is not much movement. So, you don’t need a lot of wrist movement.

But most professional athletes use wrist snaps for one reason. This is because wrist snaps help to accelerate. Doesn’t the above gif remind you of the whip movement?

If you use wrist snaps, the tip of the whip will be faster. So, you can move other parts of this cradle system more slowly.

Read Also: How to play 301 501 darts?

That way, you can throw with less power and increase accuracy with less power.

However, there is one risk when using wrist snaps. One more thing that needs to be controlled. One more factor in controlling.

That means you’re more likely to get errors. So, unless you are a gifted beginner, using wrist snaps is not recommended.

See this video to learn how to throw darts:

Gary Anderson Dart Throwing Technique

How to Throw Darts?

1. Cast Process

dart cast process

A. Aim


Place the point you want to align with your eyes and darts on the same line. Focus on your target. Not a pretty girl (or a man) who enters a dart or bar.

You can either aim the target on the target or use another method. Most dart players are aiming naturally.

But surprisingly, some beginners don’t aim at the beginning. This must be unconditional. So, do it!

Read Also: Dart rules and regulation.

B. Pull Back or Take-Back

Pull Back or Take-Back

This action is also required. But don’t do it too soon. Many beginners are afraid to lose their aim while pulling back.

But controlling it is a matter of practice. There are very few players who are successful in this play. So, 99% of people will pull back.

How far you pull back depends on the person. But it’s a good idea to pull back a little at first. As you get used to it, you’ll be able to pull it farther back.

Pull the dart to the side of your chin or ball to prevent it from hitting your eyes or nose, whether it’s a chin or a ball, according to your taste.

A typical problem is not pulling back enough because of control difficulties. If you don’t pull back enough, you have to sacrifice a lot of distance to be used for acceleration.

An easy way to practice is better than taking it.

Read Also: How to play darts for beginners?

C. Acceleration

It’s not as crucial as you usually think. Do it naturally. Don’t be too fast or too hard.

Continue to finish smoothly. And don’t forget Elbows move up. It’s not fixed.

If you’re using wrist snaps, step forward until the wrists are fully stretched out in the process.

D. Release

dart release

As mentioned above, the action of releasing the dart naturally follows. It’s not a big problem.

If you have a problem with this release, it’s probably a technical problem. The elbows don’t move up, they’re fixed, or they’re not finishing.

If you are using wrist snaps, this release behavior will be an essential point. Your hands must be at the right angle to the forearm.

E. Finishing Behavior or Follow Through

Finishing Behavior or Follow Through

Very important, and the best finishing action is to aim at the target of your choice. A typical mistake is to drop your arm after release.

Keep your arms straight back for a while, like a gif above. Then you’ll get a feel for the finish more quickly.

 2. Grip

The most varied part of the dart technique is how to catch it.

Basically, you can use whatever method you are comfortable with.

Grip Basic
dart center of gravity

Place darts on the palm of your hand. Hold the center and find out where the center of gravity is.

Now roll your darts with your fingertips. Place your thumb slightly behind the center of gravity.

Do as many fingers as you like. Two fingers, three fingers, or four fingers. Now hold your arm in aiming position.

Most dart grip methods only slightly change the basic grip method.

Basic Requirement
A. Point up!

Your tip of the dart must be in the orbit to which the dart will advance during every dart throwing action.

If this doesn’t work, fix it now!

B. Firmly but not too stiff

The grip must be firm. But that doesn’t mean you have to be so strong that your rats fly.

If your fingertips or knuckles are white without blood pressure, this is too hard. Too rigid muscles can cause problems with release or finishing motions.

If you hold on too hard, loosen enough to prevent the dart from slipping out of your hand.

However, you must hold it tight enough to control the dart during the acceleration process.

C. How many fingers should I use?

One of the most frequently asked questions. And it’s a question that can’t be answered. There is no right answer.

I can tell you this. At least three fingers (thumbs + 2) and up to five fingers. Fingers hold the barrel of darts (the chubby body of metal).

Do not hold the shaft (thin plastic body behind the barrel) or the flight feathers.

The A2 grip (thumb + 1) does not provide enough control, so at least three fingers.

More fingers provide more control in acceleration, but as many are more difficult to move systematically.

The release behavior is more difficult. The organization of the fingers in the release motion is the key point of the dart grip.

In the release process, you must be careful not to miss the point with one of your fingers by the last moment.

D. The shape of the Barrel

Not all types of grips are available in other types of barrels. So, you have to use more fingers on the longer barrels and fewer fingers on the shorter barrels.

In conclusion, you need to find the right barrel shape for you, as well as finding the right darts for you.

Because of the grip method and the shape of the barrel conflict with each other.   On the one hand, it’s also very personal.

E. Don’t clench your fists!

What should fingers do that are not involved in the grip?

The best way is to straighten it up and drop it or put it slightly in the same position as your other fingers.

The bad example is that if you catch a dart with four fingers (thumbs + 3), you roll it up, and curl it up. To make the shape of your fist.

This handshape makes the muscles of the other fingers involved in the grip stiff and forceful, making the release motion difficult to make me more frequent. Also, it tends to drop the dart’s pointing down.

Seems pretty bad? So, don’t do it.

Some Examples of How to Catch Darts: From Pro Darters

Here are some of the grips that pros use a lot to explain a wide variety of grips.

But remember, as mentioned above, the grip method varies depending on the barrel shape, or the barrel depends on the grip method.

A. Pencil Grip (Phil Taylor Player)
Pencil Grip (Phil Taylor Player)

Phil (speaks like a friend.) Holds the dart-like a pencil.

This seems to be a good one. It helps the dart stay forward without leaking to the side.

This pencil grab is the second most common method of grip. Usually good when using thin barrels, like Phil.

B. Open Hand Grip (Dennis Priestley Player Type)
open hand dart grip-dennis priestley dart grip

Dennis puts fingers side by side and handles the required stability with just a thumb.

This grip looks quite loose at first glance, but it has the advantage of helping to ensure accurate release.

But there is also the risk of losing control during the acceleration process.

We don’t know how Dennis controls the weakening controls in the acceleration process. It might be years of hard work or his talent.

Dennis uses a slightly thick barrel. About halfway between Phil Taylor and John Lowe.

C. Pinky-Grip on Tip (Eric Bristow)
pinky grip on tip -eric bristow dart grip

In Eric’s epoch, he used his grip to tip with his pinky wide open. I used a long cylindrical barrel.

Eric’s grip is one of the variations of the basic grip method. Not the best, not the worst.

D. 3 Finger Grip (John Lowe Player Type)
3 finger dart grip-john lowe dart grip

John used a relatively thick and short barrel. The three-finger grip was developed naturally.

It was hard to get a short grip with more fingers.

This grip method is one of the standard dart grip methods.

E. Pinky Extended Grip (Rod Harrington)
pinky extended grip-rod harrington dart grip

Rod uses long thin barrels. Rod says when the other fingers are holding the dart

Spread the pinky finger away from other fingers and darts.

This grip method looks pretty logical. It helps improve performance in the areas of increased accuracy.

(Personally, it seems like a little girly grip.)

F. Dynamic Performance Grips (Bob Anderson Player Style)

Bob takes the front of the center of gravity. Tip just behind. This is an unusual way. Many players struggled to create a good sense of this grip.

Bob feels he’s pushing rather than throwing a dart. Pretty long barrels are appropriate for this grip method.

However, this method is not recommended. But it might be suitable for men who want to enjoy a fairly dynamic dart.

Find Your Own Grip

You must find your own grip. How to control the dart while meeting the requirements of each movement.

Don’t try to copy another player’s method. Practice yourself.

Of course, you can also follow other people’s grips with curiosity, compare them, and find out what’s right for you.

If you’re practicing alone, get in the habit of trying your own innovative and whimsical grip.

For a while, Practice with the right grip until you find your own grip.

Read Also: Gran board 3 review.

3. Stance

Dart Throwing Position

dart throwing position

There is only one proper posture that satisfies the requirements for throwing darts.

Standing with your right foot forward. (Left foot, left hand forward if left hand)

We take this position when we aim at the aim point.

Aim at the target, when the target, dart, and eye are on one line, and during the darts throwing arm (described in above)

This is because the arm swings from side to side to aim as much as possible to prevent movement.

If your right hand is holding your right foot forward, your left hand is holding your foot forward. This is the most comfortable position.

When in doubt, try to step forward or throw your feet side by side.

Unless you have a peculiar taste, the most comfortable position is to step forward with the same foot as the throwing hand.

A. Shoulder Angle

The angle of the shoulders determines the posture.

First, try an angle that’s close to 90 degrees. Some people are comfortable, and most of the 90 degrees will be uncomfortable.

If you are uncomfortable, you do not have to insist.

The angle of 50 degrees to 80 degrees is the angle that ordinary people take correctly.

Read Also: Gran board dash review.

B. Angle of Feet

The angle of the foot simply follows the angle of the shoulder. Just hold your shoulder angle and rest your feet comfortably.

Otherwise, you might fall on the floor.


During every action you throw a dart, you must be perfectly balanced.

Balancing can be a bit difficult for beginners or when throwing from low angles without leaning forward.

A. Weight Distribution

Most of the weight is given to the feet that are going forward. In the meantime, the back foot just gives it a weight that you can balance.

There is no such thing as a few percent weight on one foot. It’s not important. Just remember that no matter what weight you distribute, you need to be firm and steady.

And don’t jump with your paws. The forward-center foot should always be attached to the base.

(Sometimes I’m trying to pretend to be cute. There are some women who run and throw.  Don’t be cute.)

Read Also: Dartslive 200s review.

B. Tilting Forward

The more you tilt forward, the closer you get to the target. If not, what would you tilt forward to do?

But more physically, throwing becomes unstable. If you tilt too much forward, it can strain your back.

Most pros have found the right compromise for themselves. For reference, Bob Anderson underwent back surgery.

C. Balance

The bridge plays a major role in your balance. Lifting a crow’s feet is not recommended. Some professional ships lift their claws.

They have stood on one foot and practiced to balance perfectly.

Again, don’t jump.

‘One foot should touch the ground’ is not just a lot of billiard rules. It is highly recommended for dart players.

The hind feet are not attached to the ground (although for beginners, it is OK).

D. Upper Body

Throwing darts should keep your body from moving while throwing darts.

Remember to lock your shoulders, as mentioned in the above. Straighten your spine without bending your back.

Tension the upper body and attach it. But keep your arms flexible.

Finally, throwing posture is not the hardest, but it’s a major problem.

Please don’t start standing in front of the target. This will disturb all other technical areas, and you’ll locate yourself struggling sooner or later.

Now you learn all the throwing methods and techniques. Therefore, you have to increase your score ability.

Only you can increase your score by practicing. You can read this article on how to practice darts the right way to get better. The article will help you to step by step practicing technique.

Dart Rules And Regulation (FAQs)

Is it advantageous if you are tall or have long arms?

“There are no restrictions on height, arm length, etc. in the dart qualification. The distance to the board is a bit closer, so there may be some advantages. But darts are a fight of mentality, concentration, and quickness. I don’t think physical traits affect sexual performance. For reference, Phil Taylor of England, a world dart champion, is just over 170cm tall.

What do you prefer to emphasize to beginners?

The answer to this question is always the same. ‘Practice is another practice.’ You should practice little by little. It’s not good to drive all at once. It’s hard to keep my senses. The practice is important, but the outcome depends on what kind of position you are practicing. After all, the basic stance is the most important.

How should I practice?

“If you’ve learned the basic posture, it’s a good idea to do a grouping exercise where the three darts are in one place. Don’t try to hit only the middle of the board. When your body is fixed, and the three darts hit the board in the same way and in the same way, your stance is stable if the three feet are in one place. Darts are not just as important in the middle of a target as archery and shooting. It is important to put the dart at the point where the desired score indicates.

What do you like about darts?

“Darts is a game where you have to concentrate every moment and use your head to respond to your opponent’s strategy. The same is true for individual matches or team matches. It is best for improving concentration. It is also a great help for relaxation and stress relief. It is also a leisure activity where you can enjoy friendship with friends, lovers, and family. Electronic darts are linked online. If you build your skills by creating IDs in stores, you can also enjoy playing games with people from all over the world and making friends. Many people meet and greet each other when they participate in competitions. Online league fights are possible.

The perfect dart throwing technique needs patience

So, how to throw darts like a pro? Notice all the above-mentioned parameters and try to work on your litter style. Then you will bring about an improvement in your dart-throwing accuracy in the long term. A little patience is also part of this because as an old proverb says: “Good things take time”.